I made a new website!

I know, I know. You are probably thinking, “Really? You should just stick to this one.” Oh well. I wanted a new one. Start fresh, I guess. Anyway, If you want to check my new website out, (which you probably won’t) here is the link:https://totalbooknerd.wordpress.com/
I am still editing it and everything, so that is why it still reads some random carp when you scroll down. -_- Anyway, do you guys have any other websites? Just wondering!I am still going to posting on both websites, but I am going to be posting more on my other website, for not many people are actually reading and keeping up with my stuff. But that’s okay, I will try extra hard with this new website.
I feel that the reason why everybody was like, “Uhm, CIAO! I am done with this.” is because I REALLY started slacking off. Seriously. I am incredibly sorry about that. Anyway, I hope that you like my new website! Bye and have a good day!!

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